Working in another country means one has to adapt to local social and working conditions. Managing local teams, negotiating with local business partners and cooperating with new colleagues all require a thorough understanding of the local business context and its cultural drivers, and the ability to vary one’s management and communication styles accordingly.

If you aim to work effectively and get the best out of your team and business in China, you need to establish the right match between your management style and the needs of your local team.

This program provides insights into the cultural aspects that impact your business and professional goals as well as tailored strategies to manage teams across cultures.


  • Understanding the differences between European and Chinese business cultures with regard to organization, management and communication
  • Impactful communication strategies in daily work situations (leadership, convincing, negotiating)
  • Effective approaches and tools for managing Chinese teams (motivating and committing)

Who should attend?

General managers, operational managers and team leaders of Western companies, who are managing and operating branch offices and production facilities in China.


This program provides deeper insights into the main cultural dimensions at play in the Chinese mindset and behaviors of Chinese employees and teams. We specifically focus on the situational challenges of European managers in daily management of Chinese branches and teams, such as issues related to hierarchy, planning and responsibility.

We address the management challenges resulting from such cultural differences in an open and interactive way. Together with you and other participants we develop appropriate responses to strengthen collaboration with your teams. We focus specifically on the country and professional cultural backgrounds of the participants based on intakes in advance.

The trainings session consists of the following modules:

Business Cases

Experiences & Expectations
Inventory of business cases

Cultural Exchanges
The interaction between European and Chinese business cultures regarding:

  • Drivers and motivations
  • Hierarchy and management
  • Organization and meetings
  • Time and planning
  • Rules and regulations

Connecting Cultures

Effective collaborations in daily work situations

  • Communication styles across cultures
  • Motivating and giving feedback
  • Convincing and negotiating
  • Collaboration between the Chinese facility and EU head office

Leadership Styles

Reflection on one’s own cultural profile and preferred management styles

  • Chinese leadership styles
  • Lesson’s learned and exemplary behaviors
  • Managing Chinese teams

Practical Information

Date: 4 December 2015 (09.30 – 16.30 hrs)

Participants: max. 12 persons

Location: Shanghai, venue will follow

Investment: ¥3250,- or €450,- per person (incl. training materials and lunch)


Culture-Inc. is a cross-cultural training and consultancy provider, operating in The Netherlands and China. Our team consists of highly qualified professionals with extensive practical experience in cross-
cultural cooperation between Asia/China and the EU/The Netherlands.

Mrs. Esther Janssen, managing director Culture-Inc. and senior trainer cross-cultural management & communication.

Esther has been working on EU/Dutch and Chinese business and governmental relations since 1996. In 2009/2010 she participated in the EU-China Managers Exchange Program in Beijing. She has basic Mandarin skills and has been engaged in training and advisory services to European/Dutch companies in China, including Bencham/KLM, Bluewater, Bugaboo, CSi Control Systems, DSM, IBG Monforts, Fokker Elmo, Pon Holding and Sapa.

Mrs. Monique Groeneveld, managing director China-Inside and senior cross-cultural trainer.
Monique is based in Beijing and provides language and culture courses for Chinese managers and employees. Monique has long-standing and in-depth knowledge of Chinese culture and organizations, having worked for Chinese SOE’s such as CITIC for several years. In recent years Monique has been supporting global companies such as DSM, Bluewater, ING, Fokker Elmo and Shell.


Please sent your contact details to incl. your name, company, position and invoice details with reference to: “training session Managing Your Chinese Office, 4 December 2015”. You will receive a confirmation of your participation, intake-form and logistical details.